You can attach one or more files to your tasks using attachments. Attached files are uploaded to Amazon S3 storage. After you add attachment you will get small preview inside task if attachment is image. You can view attachment by clicking “View” link with arrow. If you want to download attachment right click on “View” […]
Category: Tasks
Format text
For task descriptions and task comments we use markdown syntax. Here is a quick cheat sheet for formatting text: Bold : **text** Italic: *text* Link: [Duck Duck Go]( Image:  List: * item1 * item2 Numbered List: item1 item2 Inline code: `nano` Code block: NOTE: We currently don’t support quotes for security reason.
Edit task
To edit task just click on task in the column you want to edit. Task edit window will open. As soon as you change any field change will be automatically saved into database. After you finished changing task just close the window by clicking (X) button in top right corner.
Create a new task
To add a new task just click (+) sign in each column header you wish to add task to. After that task add window will appear. You always need to enter at least Task Name and click “Save” to create a new task. Optionally you can also enter task description and other fields. As soon […]
Time estimate, time spent & due date
You can add estimates for task in Time Estimate field on task. Just enter value in hours and minutes or pomodoros in time estimate field or choose recently used values from dropdown. In the same way you can enter Time spent value – actual time you work on that task. On each task you can […]
Assign tasks to members
Each task can be assigned to one or more board members. Just open task you want to assign to someone and click “Assigned to” button. Choose person or persons you want to assign task to from window. Task is now assigned to that person and person will be notified about that.
Add, Edit, Delete, Assign Tags
On each board you can create tags to add certain meaning to each task. To assign tags to task simple open tag chooser dialog on task and choose tag you want to add to task. Create tags To create a new tag open tag chooser dialog on task and click “Create a new tag” button. […]
Add, edit, delete comments
Add comment To add a comment to a task just open task and scroll to comments section at the end of task window. Click comments button, enter comment text and click “Add” button to create a new comment. Edit, delete comment To edit comment click three vertical dots (︙) near comment you want to edit. […]
Task operations (subscribe, move, copy, delete)
You can do many operations on task by selecting them from operations menu in bottom left corner of task window. Subscribe to task To be notified on any important change on task simply subscribe to task changes on operation menu. Move task You can move task from one column to another inside same board by […]
Reorder tasks
To reorder tasks inside columns just drag task you want to reorder and drop to another position in column.