In case you have subscribed to HyperDone monthly / yearly account, your credit card payment data is safely stored at our payment processor Paddle. This data is used to bill you HyperDone subscription every month. In case you terminated credit card, credit card has expired or some other reason you can change your payment data. […]
Category: Account
Turn off email notifications
If you want to turn off email notifications you can do it from User Settings page by clicking arrow bellow Full Name/Email in top right corner and choose User Settings option. Change option in Email notifications dropdown from Instant to Never and click “Save” button to save changed.
Change Avatar/Gravatar
HyperDone by default uses gravatars to display user image. If you don’t have a gravar you can create it or simple upload new image to use as avatar. We use your email address to get gravatar. If you want to change your avatar / gravatar you can do it from User Settings page by clicking arrow bellow […]
Delete account
If you want to Delete account you can do it from User Settings page by clicking arrow bellow Full Name/Email in top right corner and choose User Settings option. Here you have orange “Delete account” button. Please be aware that account deletion is permanent. All your data will be deleted including boards, tasks and attachments and there […]
Change password
If you want to change password you can do it from User Settings page by clicking arrow bellow Full Name/Email in top right corner and choose User Settings option. Just click “Change password” button to be redirected to change password view. Here you will need to enter your Current password, New Password and Confirm New Password. After […]
Change Full Name
If you want to change Full Name you can do it from User Settings page by clicking arrow bellow Full Name/Email in top right corner and choose User Settings option. After you enter new Full name just click “Save” button.
Login into application
To login into application you need to provide valid email and password you picked when you created HyperDone account. After you entered email and password simply click “Login” button. If you have forgot your password you can reset password by clicking reset password link and providing your email address.
Creating account
If you have already purchased HyperDone account, your account will be automatically created with email you used to pay for HyperDone subscription. We will sent you your account details on that email which you can than use to login into application. If you are registered for special free trial account and plan to upgrade later […]